Monday, 18 May 2020

Answers: α-Grammar Drill 2

Form 4 & 5

Shalom and hi! These are the answers to last week's grammar drill. Please mark your work with a red pen, and feel free to ask if there's anything you're unsure of or confused about, yeah? 😊


Family Values
By Kevin Jeyaraj

Family values are (be) something that transcend (transcend) time, race and religion. No matter the colour of one’s skin or their life philosophy, there are (be) some things that ­are (be) immutable, namely, how we behave (behave) in our family.

                Love is (be) the most important value of all, because it is (be) the basis of all our interactions. If we love (love) every family member, that love is (be) reflected in everything we say (say) and do (do). We will automatically respect (respect) our parents. And when we esteem (esteem) our parents, we will always be honest with them, too, even if it gets (get) us into trouble.

                We should always be (be) polite to every member in our family – from our grandparents right down to our youngest sibling. We should also be (be) generous with what we have (have), and never hold (hold) back anything good from a family member. In other words, we should freely share (share) our belongings with family members.

                In a family, another way of showing love is (be) by putting (put) other family members first, and thinking (think) of their benefit even before we consider (consider) our own advantage.  We can do (do) this by helping the others, even in simple things like doing (do) chores around the house.

                It is (be) said that love bears (bear) no ill-will, so if we love (love) our family, we will forgive them when they wrong us. Showing (Show) love also means (mean) that at times, we will have to humble (humble) ourselves and be the first to apologise when there is (be) a fight.

                When we love (love) our family, we will be (be) punctual for family events. This will show (show) how much we prioritise family over friends.

                A wise man once said  (say) that love is (be) patient and kind, and that love never fails (fail). Our families might be (be) the toughest people to get (get) along with, but they still are (be) the most important people in our lives, and we can show (show) this by practising (practise) all these family values.


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