Monday, 18 May 2020

5 N, L: Captain Nobody Sample Question and Answer 3

Form 5

Shalom and hi!

Today, you'll be doing another Captain Nobody question.

1. Please open your book to the Literature section, and write today's day and date. The title is Captain Nobody Sample Question and Answer (3).

2. Copy the question and answer given below, and highlight as shown.

Happy writing! 😗

Question 3

Good values bring positive effects.’
How far is this true in the novel you have read? Support your answer with evidence from the text.


The novel I have studied is Captain Nobody by Dean Pitchford. This story is about Newton (Newt) Newman, who is a quiet, often-ignored 10-year-old boy who lives with his busy parents and football star brother, Chris. He loves his family very much and is a responsible and caring person. On Halloween, Newt’s best friends JJ and Cecil show prove their friendship by helping him make a costume, and he calls himself Captain Nobody. He becomes a superhero who does many brave things until his town acknowledges him as a courageous superhero. There are many good values that bring positive effects in this story.

                One good value is friendship. Newt is worried about his brother Chris, who fell into a coma as a result of his injuries during the Big Tackle incident of the Big Game. His friends, JJ and Cecil, come to visit him to cheer him up. They bring him a CD each as a present. They tell him how Chris’ football teammates took revenge on Reggie Ratner, who is accused of injuring Chris, by vandalising his house and car. JJ and Cecil come back later in the evening to take Newt trick-or-treating with them, but Newt doesn’t have his Halloween costume ready, and doesn’t feel like celebrating Halloween. JJ and Cecil help him turn Chris’ old clothes into a superhero costume. Newt ends up going out with his friends, and he calls himself Captain Nobody. JJ and Cecil are good friends who care for Newt, and as a result, Newt doesn’t feel so sad and worried anymore, and Captain Nobody is created.

                Another good value is responsibility. Captain Nobody is given Ferocious the Ferret to take care of. On the way home from school, Ricky Ratner and his friends corner Captain Nobody, JJ, and Cecil to threaten Newt into telling everyone that his cousin Reggie was not responsible for causing Chris Newman’s coma. JJ and Cecil try to defend Newt. They stand protectively beside him when he is surrounded by Ricky’s friends. When Ricky’s friends try to yank the cage away from Captain Nobody, the cage door opens and Ferocious manages to escape its cage. It runs to a busy highway. Captain Nobody runs after the ferret, waving his arms to make traffic stop. The vehicles stop and a section of the highway becomes clear, just in time for an airplane to make an emergency landing. Captain Nobody manages to rescue the ferret and saves the passengers on the airplane. Captain Nobody is responsible to rescue Ferocious the Ferret, and the positive effect is he manages to save the passengers on the airplane.

                The third good value is bravery. Newt happens to see a television showing news that Reggie Ratner has climbed the Appleton Water Tower and is about to commit suicide. It is said that Reggie is feeling depressed because everyone blames him for causing Chris Newman’s coma. Even though he doesn’t want to be Captain Nobody anymore, Newt knows that he has to rescue Reggie Ratner because he knows Reggie wasn’t the one who caused Chris’ coma. JJ and Cecil sneak out of school together with Newt, who quickly put on the Captain Nobody costume once more. At the water tower, his friends distract the police officer so that Captain Nobody could get to the ladder leading to the top of the water tower. Captain Nobody is afraid of heights, but he doesn’t want Reggie to jump off the tower, so he climbs the rusty ladder until he gets to the roof. There, he learns that Reggie wasn’t about to jump off. The older boy actually climbed the water tower to spray graffiti there, but his foot is now stuck in the rotten wood. Captain Nobody helps to free Reggie’s foot and helps him climb down the water tower. Captain Nobody, JJ, and Cecil become heroes in the eyes of the town for the daring and successful rescue. Captain Nobody has the positive value of bravery, which brings the positive effect of rescuing Reggie Ratner and making Captain Nobody and his friends heroes in the town.

                In conclusion, the story has the good values of friendship, responsibility, and bravery, which bring many positive effects.


Answers: α-Grammar Drill 2

Form 4 & 5

Shalom and hi! These are the answers to last week's grammar drill. Please mark your work with a red pen, and feel free to ask if there's anything you're unsure of or confused about, yeah? 😊


Family Values
By Kevin Jeyaraj

Family values are (be) something that transcend (transcend) time, race and religion. No matter the colour of one’s skin or their life philosophy, there are (be) some things that ­are (be) immutable, namely, how we behave (behave) in our family.

                Love is (be) the most important value of all, because it is (be) the basis of all our interactions. If we love (love) every family member, that love is (be) reflected in everything we say (say) and do (do). We will automatically respect (respect) our parents. And when we esteem (esteem) our parents, we will always be honest with them, too, even if it gets (get) us into trouble.

                We should always be (be) polite to every member in our family – from our grandparents right down to our youngest sibling. We should also be (be) generous with what we have (have), and never hold (hold) back anything good from a family member. In other words, we should freely share (share) our belongings with family members.

                In a family, another way of showing love is (be) by putting (put) other family members first, and thinking (think) of their benefit even before we consider (consider) our own advantage.  We can do (do) this by helping the others, even in simple things like doing (do) chores around the house.

                It is (be) said that love bears (bear) no ill-will, so if we love (love) our family, we will forgive them when they wrong us. Showing (Show) love also means (mean) that at times, we will have to humble (humble) ourselves and be the first to apologise when there is (be) a fight.

                When we love (love) our family, we will be (be) punctual for family events. This will show (show) how much we prioritise family over friends.

                A wise man once said  (say) that love is (be) patient and kind, and that love never fails (fail). Our families might be (be) the toughest people to get (get) along with, but they still are (be) the most important people in our lives, and we can show (show) this by practising (practise) all these family values.


Monday, 4 May 2020

α-Grammar Drill 2

Form 4 & 5

Shalom and hi, kids!

Today we'll be doing another grammar drill, so open your book to the Grammar section and write today's date and date. The title should be Tenses, SVA, and Gerunds.

Copy the essay below and fill in the blanks your answer. 

Happy writing!

Family Values
By Kevin Jeyaraj

Family values ___________ (be) something that ____________________ (transcend) time, race and religion. No matter the colour of one’s skin or their life philosophy, there ___________ (be) some things that ­______________ (be) immutable, namely, how we ___________________ (behave) in our family.
     Love ____________ (be) the most important value of all, because it _________ (be) the basis of all our interactions. If we __________________ (love) every family member, that love ______________ (be) reflected in everything we ___________________ (say) and ____________________(do). We will automatically _______________________ (respect) our parents. And when we ______________________ (esteem) our parents, we will always be honest with them, too, even if it ___________________ (get) us into trouble.
      We should always _____________ (be) polite to every member in our family – from our grandparents right down to our youngest sibling. We should also ____________ (be) generous with what we ________________________(have), and never ______________________ (hold) back anything good from a family member. In other words, we should freely _______________________ (share) our belongings with family members.

     In a family, another way of showing love _____________ (be) by ___________________ (put) other family members first, and __________________________ (thinking) of their benefit even before we _______________________ (consider) our own advantage.  We can __________________ (do) this by helping the others, even in simple things like __________________ (do) chores around the house.

      It _________________ (be) said that love ________________________ (bear) no ill-will, so if we ______________________ (love) our family, we will forgive them when they wrong us. ____________________(Show) love also _______________________ (mean) that at times, we will have to ______________________ (humble) ourselves and be the first to apologise when there ________________ (be) a fight.

     When we ____________________ (love) our family, we will _________________ (be) punctual for family events. This will _______________________ (show) how much we prioritise family over friends.

      A wise man once ____________  (say) that love ____________ (be) patient and kind, and that love never ___________________________ (fail). Our families might _____________ (be) the toughest people to _____________________ (get) along with, but they still _______________ (be) the most important people in our lives, and we can ______________________ (show) this by ____________________ (practise) all these family values.


Answers: β-Grammar Drill (1)

Form 4 & 5

Shalom and hi! These are the answers to the Grammar Drill 1 exercises. Mark your work with a red pen, and please leave a comment below or pm me if you have any questions! 😃

The Answers 

  1.   Till this day, James is (be) the naughtiest boy I know (know).  His mother told (tell) me that last year, he locked (lock) a friend in a storeroom in school. Then, he went (go) for recess with everyone else. After recess, when the teacher asked (ask) where his friend was, he said (say) he did (do) not know. When he finally went (go) to open the door, his friend was crying loudly. The discipline teacher was (be) so angry! James was (be) caned three times.

2.       When I grow up, I want (want) to be a fireman. I made (make) this decision after I saw (see) two fireman rescuing my neighbour’s children from their burning house. Everyone thought (think) it was (be) too late for the children, but not the brave firemen. They ran (run) into the burning house and rescued (rescue) Dolah and Khadijah. I will always remember how they came (come) out of the fire carrying one child each. It was (be) so heroic! I want (want) to help people, too, so I will do my best to become (become) a fireman!

3.       It is (be) important to take care of the environment. One of the things we can do (do) to reduce pollution is to carpool. My father did (do) this with two friends last year. When I asked (ask) him, he told (tell) me that doing this will save money and help save the environment. Father said (say) he spent (spend) less money on petrol because he shared (share) the cost with his friends. He was (be) happy that he helped (help) to protect our environment. He will carpool again this year after he discusses this with his friends.

4.       I love (love) flowers very much. I like (like) looking at them, and I like (like) planting them. I am (be) sad because now I live (live) in an apartment and cannot plant anything. Two years ago, I stayed/was staying (stay) in a single-storey house. I planted (plant) many types of flowers! In my garden I had (have) hibiscus, bougainvillea, daisies and lilies. There were (be) many different colours, and everything was (be) so beautiful! I spent (spend) a lot of time and effort to take care of my garden. Now, all I can do is (be) to hang up pictures of my favourite flowers. 


Answers: ⍺-Grammar Drill (1)

Form 4 & 5

Shalom and hi!

The answers to the Grammar Drill 1 exercise are below. Use your red pen to mark your work. Please comment below or pm me if you have any questions! 😉

The Answer 

“I am going (go) to the shop. Do you need anything?” Mum asked (ask) me. I did not/didn’t (do, not) even bother (bother) to lift (lift) my head from where I was staring (stare) at the television, I just grunted (grunt) a ”No” at her. I knew (know) Mum was scowling (scowl) at me because I was being (be) quite rude, but I did not care (do, not, care) – my favourite drama was (be) on and I couldn’t afford to miss (miss) an episode!
Mum left (leave), closing (close) the door with a bit of an irritated bang that I hardly noticed (notice), because my eyes were (be) glued (glue) to the television screen. It really was (be) a crucial episode – today’s story would explain (explain) the twist in the previous one, which I had been going (go) mad trying (try) to figure (figure) out. I was focusing (focus) so intently that it actually took (take) the sound of someone clearing (clear) their throat for me to realise (realise) that there was (be) something thin, cold and sharp at my neck.

            I froze (freeze) and my eyes went (go) wide. Someone had come (come) into my house without me being (be) aware of it! I had been focusing (focus) on the television so much that I had not heard (not, heard) the burglar come/coming (come) in at all! My heart was going (go) a mile a minute as I tried (try) to think (think) clearly. I glanced (glance) at the burglar from the corner of my eyes.  He was wearing (wear) a balaclava, so I could not see (can, not, see) any of his facial features other than his eyes. They were (be) cold and unforgiving, and I almost gulped (gulp) until I remembered (remember) that he had (has) a blade at my neck.

       “Don’t do (do) anything stupid,” the man warned (warn) in a rough voice. It sounded (sound) like he had swallowed (swallowed) a mouthful of sand. A quiet corner of my brain that was (be) not panicking thought (think) that he was (be) probably trying (try) to disguise (disguise) his voice. I recalled (recall) what I had watched (watch) on a documentary on criminals some time ago – if they showed (show) you their face, your chances of getting (get) out of a situation like this were (be) very, very low. I squeezed (squeeze) my eyes shut and tried (try) not to cry (cry).

         “I’m going to tie you up,” the burglar continued (continue), “and if you are (be) a good little boy, I won’t harm (harm) you.” He pressed (press) the knife closer and I felt (feel) it cut into my skin. I let (let) out a whimper that he took (take) for agreement. “Good. Now go (go) sit (sit) facing that corner. If I see (see) you peeking (peek), your mum will have a very nasty surprise when she comes (come) home.”

      He gave (give) me a kick in the direction of the corner he wanted (want) me to sit (sit) in. I tripped (trip) but managed (manage) to prevent (prevent) myself from falling by clutching (clutch) at the sofa on my right. I hobbled (hobble) my way to the corner and stood (stand) with my nose to the wall. I kept (keep) my eyes closed and tried (try) to tune (tune) out the sounds of drawers being opened and furniture being overturned violently.

           I was (be) so intent on pretending (pretend) that nothing was happening (happen) behind me that it took (take) me a while to realise (realise) that the sounds had ceased (cease). I had to take (take) a few minutes to screw (screw) up the courage to turn (turn) around. When I finally did (do), I saw (see) that the place was (be) in a shambles, and that the burglar had disappeared (disappear). My knees knocked (knock) together and I sank (sink) to the floor, shivering (shiver) and almost fainting (faint) in relief.

            Mum was (be) horrified when she came (come) home to find (find) me sitting pale and shaking amidst the mess that our living room had become (become). She immediately called (call) the police, who came (come) and took (take) my statement. Till this day I cannot quite remember (remember) what I said (say), but I recall (recall) very clearly what the policeman said (say).

           “You’re very lucky, boy,” he told (told) me. “From what you have told (tell) us, this is (be) definitely the modus operandi of The Slasher Thief. He has killed (kill) almost all his victims so far, so you should be (be) very thankful to be (be) alive.”Hearing that, I nearly passed (pass) out again.

    Over two years have passed (pass), but as much as I want (want) to, I’m not going to forget (forget) this whole experience. It’s definitely the most horrible thing that has happened (happen) to me, and I’m never going (go) to forget (forget) it.
