Thursday, 9 April 2020

Sample Answer: DW SPM 2019 (Simple)

Form 5

5 Jujur

Shalom and hi!

This is a sample answer for your test before the March holidays.

1. Open your books to the Essay section, and write today's day and date. The title is DW SPM 2019 Sample Answer.

2. Copy the entire essay, together with the highlights. You can use different colours, but follow the example. If you don't have highlighters, you can underline with different colours. 

‘Go Green’ Day
By _____(your name)_______

I took part in a ‘Go Green’ day in my local area. The aim was to help people learn about the environment. I have decided to write an article about the ‘Go Green’ day for my school magazine.

The ‘Go Green’ day was in SMK Kota Masai 2. It was held on Saturday, 11th January 2020. Mr Haji Rosland, principal of SMK Kota Masai 2, organised it. The teachers and students of SMK Kota Masai 2 were involved.

                The first topic during the ‘Go Green’ day was protecting animals. The next topic was learning about plants. Another topic was dealing with rubbish.

                There were a few ‘Go Green’ day activities. The first activity was a talk by an expert. The expert’s name was Dr Jalong, and he talked about animals. The next activity was making a garden. My friends and I made a garden and planted hibiscus, roses, and ferns. Then, we did a recycling activity. We separated rubbish into different categories – plastic, paper, glass and metal. One more activity was a gotong-royong to clean the school. The students were divided into groups to clean the corridors, canteen, and fish pond.

                My best memory of the ‘Go Green’ day was working with my friends to clean the fish pond. I think students should go to the ‘Go Green’ day next year because we can gain a lot of knowledge about the environment.


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